jueves, diciembre 08, 2005

Red Walk

Un Dibujo (Tengo que agarrar velocidad)

A picture (I have some catching up to do)

Música por Arthur Schwartz / Music by Arthur Schwartz

Whistle while you work (vocal Tony Pastor) (1937)
Artie Shaw & his Orch. CBS BR8050 22237-2

La Vuelta'l Perro

Copyright Oscar Grillo 2005

3 comentarios:

Elliot Cowan dijo...

We see Mickey appear often in your work.
Does this come from anywhere in particular?

Oscar Grillo dijo...

I suppose that Mickey in my pictures appears as a reverse reflection of the humans that appear in Mickey's comics.
Or better yet; as a homage to my greatest graphic hero, Saul Steinberg, who used to draw animals mingling with humans in his New York scenes.
By the way..Any time soon I will start a debate about how amazingly common place are the pictures of most of our fellow bloggers,that cannot see past that updated Freddy More style that they seem to be using so much...Where are the new Saul Steinbergs, Paul Klees, Joan Miros or Wassily Kandinskys of the animation world?
-What do you say?

Elliot Cowan dijo...

Well I'll try and give you my thoughts as a younger artist (31), hopefully without sounding like a pretentious wanker.
I feel that to have any amount of success at the moment there is a need to ape the style of a few very artists.
Folks who manage to ape the style well, are applauded by successful artists doing similar work.
And so a trend is set (common situation in music also).
Now then - I would like to have some more success in this world, but I'm not particularly interested in copying a popular style (although I am sure I am perfectly capable in some instances).
I have always walked my own path and would rather have success doing the things that I think I'm actually pretty good at.
But the pressure to change certainly hovers.
So - where are the Klees and the Kandinskys and the Miros?
Perhaps like so many artists in the history they are waiting for their time, and are hopefully not being swamped by the pressure to conform.
So that's what I think.
I hope it made sense.
Also, Joan Miro is rather a hero of mine and I'm pleased you mention him.